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Cuba fikir elok elok

..anda rasa anda dah cukup bersyukur?..

Thursday, December 31, 2009

terkejut itu stress???

hai people of earth..
sehat?..dah makan?..dah stat study?..
klo sume dah..bgos3..

today..wanna share bout something nie..just now,some1 knock on my's my roomate's friend la..yang luar biasanya,i'm a lil bit terkejut the moment i hear the's just an ordinary knocking sound,not really harsh sound,xde la kuat sangat..
so..kinda weird la kan..still gak terkejut..some people said..klo mudah terkejut,means tengah stress..
haaa..cerita pasal stress nie..i have my history being stress malas la nk cite,panjang sangat..
jadi..sekarang nie,am i stressful??..babe, nie br minggu second lecture..tu pn xsume lecturer come boleh jadi stress nie..adoyaii..

ok ok..
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

not a so good story to tell

hai you all...tengah buat apa tu?.baring2?.tengok tv?.on9 24hrs?.or main masak2?..kalau itu yang korang tengah buat,serious to say i am 100% envy~!


ok ok..tak nak buatkan korang tertanya2 why am i so-so-so envy aka dengki with so-free-nothing-to-do people i told you before,we're having opkim program here, involving in exco pemasaran..let me story sket2 ye apa kitorang buat..
exco pemasaran nie, kerjanya cari duit untuk kelancaran program..tak kisah la buat apa pun,jual2 ke,minta sumbangan kat syarikat ke..asal bole dapat korek duit..
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

my boring story

bonjours guys~!

ehem2..actually, i dont know what to write in this post..terasa want to update it since my last update is weeks ago..d'oh~

ok2..let me think..ermmm..should i tell you how im doing now??..or what i've done before??..ohho, now i remember..hehe

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

cerita pendek

salute people..'s weather cantek kn..tapi hati nie tak rasa cantek pula..feel like messy wrecking ship swallow inside it..huhu

supposely, arini turun sunway..enjoy lepas exam, and as penutup tirai sem 1 tahun 2..but,but,but, i woke up late this morning and i didnt pack anything yet..syira gave a call at 7,nak tolak dari kolej pun 7 juga..gulp2, so cakap la..x ikut la kalo camtu..wuuuT_T

bila dah tengahari,terasa nak makan mcd pula..since malam tadi tau,i reallyreally wanna eat mcd~!!!, arini decide dengan nekadnya..mau turun mid,makan mcd..[nk turun mines xbrani,takot sesat..ngeh2]

daaaa korg...^^v
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Monday, November 9, 2009


apakah kamu ini terlalu lapar, tiada makanan
sehingga mahu makan kawan sendiri yang sebesar tong hijau
mungkin aku kedengaran kelakar,lawak bodoh
tapi sedarlah,sini terselit satu realiti

aku sering dengar orang-orang ini berkata lantang
'aku tak nak kawan yang makan kawan'
'aku paling tak suka kawan yang tikam belakang'
aku pula hanya mendengar diam,memandang kosong

aku bukanlah bersetuju atau mahu membangkang
cuma adakalanya terlintas di benak, yakinnya berkata begitu
seolah-olah mereka tak pernah makan kawan
jadi aku mau tanya, tak pernah makan kawan kah kamu?


i've seen thousand times i think, the same thing these people wrote in some forum which talked about 'what kind of friends you really want'..

at first,i ignored them..and deep in my heart agreed with them..until i came to one situation that me myself be the stabber and one situation im the one who is being stabbed..

taking deep thought, every1 is actually stabbing each 1 is excepted..making it the rule of making real friend..

so people..think of it carefully..are you sure you want a friend that will never ever stab your that will never happen..

nota bersepah:

sy dah abeh exam..arini kuar mkn satay kajang n berjaya abehkan 10 cucuk satay..1 record tu..huahua~~

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setiap perhubungan punya cerita dan kisah mereka
jangan dianggap ianya tiada pasang surut atau turun naik
jangan juga dianggap ianya tiada penipuan atau benar semata-mata
perhubungan sememangnya punya warna dan rasa yang pelbagai

begitu juga kita berkawan, punya kisah kita sendiri
bergaduh itu kan perkara biasa, mengalah juga perkara biasa
apa yang nak dihairankan, tiada yang luar biasa jika berkawan
walaupun kisah perkenalan kita adalah luar biasa

aku cuma meminta, jangan dikeluar kata nista
kerana kata yang itu, pasti membunuh rasa
yang mempersetankan prsahabatan yang rapuh
mungkin serapuh istana pasir di pantai

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

#aku punya...#

aku punya satu kenangan
yang jauh dari hiruk pikuk dunia
tapi masih kedengaran hon-hon kehidupan
yang saban waktu tidak surut

aku punya satu gambar
yang lengkap bahagia
yang penuh senyum tawa
membelakangkan panorama indah

aku punya satu minat
pada wajah yang satu
pada senyum yang indah
yang memegang kunci hati ini

tapi tidak satu pun yang kekal abadi
setiap satunya pergi
tanpa meninggalkan jejak
hanya meninggalkan masa depan...

setiap rangkap menggambarkan sesuatu...tapi apa?~

nota bersepah:
kebusanan yang memalaskan..esok exam pato,tp sy xleh fokus membaca nota..T_T
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Friday, November 6, 2009

.::kebahagian ini datangnya dari mereka::.

hati selalu berfikir begini
tidak apa kan kalau kita berbuat jahat
kerana mereka juga begitu
memperlakukan kita sedemikian rupa

kata-kata sudah diluah,diperdengarkan
agar mereka juga terasa
pedih dan saketnya hati ini bila disakiti
tapi lain diharap, lain yang kunjung tiba

sedetik angin berlalu
hati mula keruan,keruh
aku xsalah,bukan aku
tapi hati tetap resah gelisah

mungkin tak sepatutnya begitu
'ke mana pergi tolak ansur kita
aku hanya tersedar kenyataan itu
pabila kebahagian seolah2 menjauh

atau mungkinkah ini penangannya
betapa persahabatan itu
punya ikatan yang kuat
yang sukar dirungkai utuhnya

atau hati ini yang bermasalah
yang terlalu sayangkan ikatan ini
yang inginkan persahatan ini
terjalin tanpa cacat cela,penuh bahagia

aku kini terkeliru
ingin rasa terbang di atas sana
menggapai satelit yg cerah

tapi,aku xmampu
menggapai kebahagian seorang diri
terasa sungguh perbezaan
bila kebahagian itu tanpa mereka

hati ini sudah menilai
experiment sudah juga terlaksana
bahawasanya kebahagian ini
datangnya dari mereka,tiada penafian...

nukilan xseberapa ori,sadeline vateria

nota bersepah:
alangkah beznyer klo kita bole bercuti bersama2...
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

.::bila hati ini berbicara perihal sahabat::.

we fight and argue
like lover fight over each other
your words always make me laugh
sometimes makes me sad,irritate
whenever im out of mood
you say sorry for it
recalling back of good things you did
makes me said 'it's ok,im just fine'
when im in swayly sad
u tell me not to
then tell me your stupid jokes
undeny,that your present is a drug of laughing
i love you
same as the way i love the others
cant lose you either
same as i dont want to lose them
im sorry
when i cant be a good friend of yours
but what i am to you
is the best that i can be upon you
whatever happen,
i want your friendship to remain in me
have no concrete reason
only a small, friendly request
so that in the future
chat the old things happened in the past
and in our old days
laugh the funny things we did before
sitting on our lazy chair
watching our kids playing together
with the smile of friend-is-last-forever
cant let the memories to fade..
nota bersepah:
sy gadoh lg dgn sorg kawan..n ht sy masih saket..
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Friday, October 30, 2009

bonjour people~!^^v

lama dah tak menconteng tingkap kecil sy nie..feel kinda miss it but this damn-crazy-busy-life always say 'awak tu nak exam,g blaja la'..and as usual, saya tak belajar pon,main fb 24/7..haha..crazy aite?..camnie la kisah budak x sedar diuntung asyik nak berpoya je..kui2~

anyway, life must carry on as what it should,makan,rehat,,im having 2nd year 1st sem final exam..started on monday 26/10 and finish on 10/11..cant wait for the last paper..huahua..even though the papers are so damn-rasa-nak-tergolek-susah,must keep the smile on your face when ever you leave the exam hall..this is what we call it,kepura-puraan yang nyata hipocrite [ayat mereng..kah2]

oh ya,sini ada 1 pengumumam tak penting..ehem2..berkenaan dengan kolej baru sy di ukm terchenta,kolej burhanuddin helmi(kbh)..we're given new frigde~!..which i dont see any reason of why they're giving us,hehe..mantap aras got 1 fridge,aras 2 pula got 2 fridge...quite big,ala2 saiz kat umah later can la kalo nak beli makanan mentah..contoh makanan yang dimaksudkan: sos spagetti dalam tin..hak2~

nota bersepah:
kemalasan saya di tahap exciting state since next paper is on 4/11..alalala~

dalam kesibukan yang adakalanya buat2 banyak masa free, my mind fly to him..[my kisah crush tak jumpa titik noktah lagi]
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

#a story that reflect#

The Story
Zee Avi

Broken dreams, broken dreams,
hopin' some day you'll see me.
Sky is gray, sky is gray,
but I'm dancin in the rain.
Live to sway, live to sway,
will you remember my name?
Live a lie, live a lie,
why don't you ask yourself why?
Don't you open your eyes?
Only the moon, only the moon, only the moon,
will hear my plea.
Only the creatures of the night,
will harmonize with me.
Missed you so, missed you so,
and I wondered if you know;
The wind has blown me in this corner
and it's hard to let go.
That's the story,
that's the story of you and me
That's the story,
that's the story of you and me
nota bersepah: i seriously want to dedicate this song to some1 who took away my heart before, but my rational head always say dont..maybe that's the best for me,him and her..
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Friday, September 25, 2009

bola tergolek


arini..mood kurang ok..many factors contribute to it..satunya is i dont wanna go back to bangi..

seriously, at this moment my heart is sweetie home. waaaa,enggak mau pulang deh. but nanti2 pun kena pulang juga. adeh. kalau diikutkan, isnin nanti kena hantar tutorial organic chemistry. but i forgot to bring the questions and my flight is on that monday as well. ini pun mengundang kemalasan tuk balik juga.adoyaii #1~

kalau rajin, boleh je call that lecturer and tell her or him that i need an excuse to send the tutorial. but i dont know which lecturer i need to refer to.adoyai #2

after this cuti raya, the final exam is another 3 weeks. im not starting my study yet and the subjects,all of them are too much to be read. my gosh, i think im killing myself. maybe for those 3 weeks i really really need to focus and concentrate on books and lecture notes. it's a MUST. or else, im a dead meat. my midsem exams are dead, dead dead dead..adoyaii #3

that the story of malas-reason of dont want to go back to ukm..agaga~

next is..see the title..bola kan?. haaa,nk cite pasal bola. sikit je..ho~

that day, i message with a friend. a very crazy, sengal friend i ever had. asking me what im doing, then said

nape tgk cite tu..tgk la blablabla

comey la cite nie..blablabla..aku suke

geli dow..tgk tajuk pn dh nyampah
same la cam arsenal..xbez gak..
hoi, jgn kutuk team aku. putus sahabat t, haha
owh..camnie la kwn. bola ag penting

yes, btol2.haha..blablabla


so, i dont know if you think the same way as i did. im not mad that he said bola lg penting. but it makes me think. orang gila bola memang macam nie ker?
i used to gadoh with my brother because of bola. a reason why i dont like bola on tv,huh!
well, that the last message i had with him. it's been 48 hours maybe we didnt contact, fed up la kot. hoho~

budak,maap ler klo marah aku kutuk arsenal tu..spe suh ko kutuk cite yg aku ske tgk..ekeke~

nota bersepah: die tu dh umpama badut, busan gak ble x msg dier..agaga~

fakta: really2 dont wanna go back..*sob3*

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

||hari ini||

greeting people!!

so today, arini~
is the last day of midsem exam. such a relief,seriously sgt2 relief. past 2 weeks is actually a hard weeks for me. why?. it's him, and yes him again.=_+

i dont know what the wrong with me, my mind and what the heck my brain try to think of. but in these weeks, my mind was full of him. i thought that i am successfully forgetting him, but then in a pop of firework he came passing through my mind like the water jet.hoh?. never mind. since that, tears is the only company i had. the history is repeating itself. sound scary?. for me, a lil' bit ya~~

forget about that. new page please~

today, after the last paper kak syima ask for a 'jalan-jalan'. i said, ok!lets go!.haha. we went to warta 1st, and i withdrawn rm100[since that i only had rm30 in the purse,ngee]we went buying some stuffs, i dont remember what. even now, the things i bought are still in the plastic.[lazy me kn?kui2~],later then i told kak syima,'nk bli tiub la'[sejenis cloths k,bkn tiub tayar]then i said 'nk bli toto la'. taking a few rounds and still didnt found any target but already snatch 1 blouse, kak syima decided ' jom la g metro kajang '.[tapi kuar2 jer dari warta..ehh,ujan ker?..alamak abeh basah helmet=_=]

there goes our adventure to kajang with her scooter,agaga~. [i called it adventure because she never been to kajang by her scooter,kui2]. then,sesat punya sesat we get there at last..hoorayy~we went to parkson, teeettttetttt. eh,what's that?. the salegirl said, 'plastik nie yg bunyi td' there she give it a try again. teeetteeettt. eh, how come?. i didnt buy anything yet here. so, she open the plastic beg and, oh rupa2nya tag baju yg bli kat warta orang tu x buka!!!!!![jadi cam case aya pula]. thanks god that the salegirl was willing to help removing the tag. fuhh~
after that, we tour the parkson and tested some dress. nothing fit. i bought some i-dont-know-necessary-or-not things and also a present for my niece^_^.

after unsuccessfull lil' journey inside, we went outside to the cloth shop in front the metro. here, i snatch another blouses.ngeee~kak syima also got 1, but only after we came back because she was not satisfied she still dont get 1.hehe

we went back ukm after i bought kfc for karl [n myself] and withdrawn another rm100. alalala~

then,on 6pm we went to bazar. buy food and i buy this last i got 1..shuke2~

fakta: arini beli 3 baju, 1 toto, mkn kfc 2 kali, mangkuk kaler merah, present priya, tissue holder for home, and a self stick, total spend is around rm150++

nota bersepah: omg..rm150++..camne leh sampai 150???..this is an unplan jln2, nk jln2 jer bkn nk shopping..waaaa..ape nk jadi ngn ko nie wahai sadeline..sedar x dlm akaun tu tgal sekerat jer lg duit ko???..ko nk mkn pasir ker ujung sem nie?.ko nk ternganga jer ker mse trip g pangkor t ble dak lain sume beli barang ko juz bole tgk jer sbb dah xde duit??..oh my gosh,bila nk berubah?????
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Sunday, August 30, 2009

cerita di bulan pose~~

haluu people!!
hehe..been a time didnt post anything here
quite busy and quite malas also..hoho~~

the main story im telling later is about what had happen during this 1st week of ramadhan..
opss..isnt weird if i talk about puasa things??
it's not that im fasting like my muslim friends did, but only that i did fast some days..
in this 1st week, i survively fast only for 3 days..the rest,errr...

but still, i 'berbuka' with them..wait till the azan then eat together...

then,yesterday..for the 1st time, i cooked for them..

the spaghetti..:D

after bought all the stuff needed with kak syima..
lets start the mission..
with syira's rice cooker,knife and all things..
cincang2 daging
[sbb xjumpa daging cincang,so cincang sndiri ler]
potong carrot,mushroom..
everything seem smooth tau..

the others from fletlet came at 7..the spaghetti was ready
but with some slack on it...
guys,the pasta and the sos=(

the pasta was over cook..lembik..the sos, too cair..
they said its taste is ok..sedap la..but im not satisfied..i dont think it's tasty at all..

need to try again later<--- azam..hak2~~

in fact that some of the forensic girl are not here,going back to home

so can have for another try later..hehe~

pasta yang terlebih masak..huuu~
sos spaghetti yang cair..nampak macam kari dah..hoho~
nota bersepah: 1st time masak spaghetti..not bad la..agaga~~
fakta: lepas nie nk g berbuka lg ngn xpose pn arini..weekend babe,byk godaan dlm blk..hak2~~
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Sunday, August 2, 2009



hihi..what a blessed day isnt it?.. a celeb of the friendship day,the 3 of us-me,lina and shaza(syira went back home..huhu) went ko kajang town
main mission: satay kajang! and shopping for friendship day present..weee~~~

so what we get today is...a ring...and a bracelet..we put our name on the ring..nice right..hehe
the symbol of the friendship^_^

our first plan actually want to buy t-shirt for the present..but since me and shaza have contra we cancel it out..
we buy our own shirt after that..ekeke~

finish shopping,we go for satay kajang!..wee...satay..satay..satay..
wow..the satay is so big wooo...i can only sumbat 4 cucuk..other 6-tapau jer...kui2~~
wanna give it to room mate as well..[must have one for roommate..ngee]

we go back to college almost 10pm..luckily,the commuter is not in deadly sesak..pheww~~

but what so unlucky today is- i lost syira's ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wuaaaa!!!!.i cant believe it...

i korek2 my beg,my pant..there's empty..i must lost it in the town...*sob2*
i should put it in my pocket so careless..=(

so tomorrow(lepas nie la sebetolnyer..ngee)i leave to kajang a new one to replace it
and at the same the new mirror that i break up just now..
a mirror that i just buy this evening..and it is specially bought for my dearest buddy
[birthday buddy 1 ogos..arini lorr..weee]
waaaaa...malang la ini malam..adoyaii~

fakta:happy friendship day to all..and may that the friendship is last forever...=D

fakta xleh dibidas:kepada yang berkenaan..sayang korunk..this friendship is the one that i want till death..

fakta lagi:happy birthday to dearest buddy..forensic 3rd year..kak rini rozainie[xtau la btol a eja nie..huhu]..wish you lotssss of luck and happy life..^_^

nota bersepah:today is a happy day...

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Monday, July 20, 2009


hello there...
today..i see his name in my ym list..d'oh..
im hurt again..
i try to ignore's hard to..
i think of him again..something that i shouldnt do..
gosh..can some1 give me some cure for me to stop all this nonsense creeping thing..
i really want to forget him..forever..
but i dont know why my heart and my mind are so out of control
so stubborn
keep thinking of him..while he never think of me
please..i dont want this in my life..
*crying silently*
nota bersepah: xtau nk luah kt sapa's getting serious day by god..this is not the real me anymore..
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

[budi bahasa budaya kita]

Burung Apa? Burung Muraiii

kowg mesti familiar kn ngan iklan neh..tiap2 ari raye mmg x miss la tv3 ulang2 siar iklan, ak ble tgk iklan neh rase sakit ati plak..kurang hajak tahap babon jantan la anak dye tu..x menghormati owg tua lgsung..sukupapat ngan mengkarung ijau yg x kenang, apekate kalo kte ubah iklan tu blik..hahaha..ape lg??kowg bace la sendiri~=P


Anak : Burung aper?

Bapak : Burung Murai

Anak : Burung aper?

Bapak : Burung Murai

Anak : Burung aper?

Bapak : Burung MuraiAnak : Burung aper?
Anak : HuaaaaaaHuaaaaaaaHuaaaaaaa!! (meleleh air mata)

Bapak : Besok kalu Tuhan kasi betul-betul telinga kau tuli baru kau tahu! Udah!!! Jgn permainkan orang tua-tua… tak baik!!!!


Bapak : Burung aper?

Anak : Burung Murai

Bapak : Aa aa yer burung Murai

Anak : Eh!!Kenaper abah tak ulang-ulang tanyer? Masih power telinga abah ni yer.

Bapak : Yer! Masa dulu kalu arwah datuk kamu panggil abah suruh ke kedai ke aper, sekali panggil jer abah dah menyahut. Abah tak berani nak buat pura-pura pekak macam ngko selalu buat masa kecik-kecik. Barangkali itulah yang jadi barakahnyer, jadi telinga abah ni Allah Taala kasi clear sampai sekarang!...

fakta: isi entry ini adalah 100% copy n paste dari blog seorg sahabat termasuk la tajuk entry..keh2~~
jgm marah ek kwn..kui2~

nota bersepah: supposely ad video p mls mo ltk..huhu~~
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Sunday, July 12, 2009

sedikit luahan

~greeting people~

after this..please..please..dont ask me to go shopping in bangi

seriously to say guys..being in ktm is such a disaster..padat macam sardin tau
and today, my way to kl..some people gadoh in the train..
goshh..scary kn..huhu..

then i went to times..naik monorel pula..b4 that took lrt..not so many people la..sedang2 jer
same with monorel..bahagia sikit la tym g tmes..

at times..perghh..apa semua org dpt jpa ker arini?..or it's a pay day??
got so many people shopping..
arrghhh..[tbe2 trauma nk g shopping..kah2]

then..want to take monorel to ktsn..
this is indescribable...the monorel is penoh,full,padat..apa2 la..
mmg arini suma org mo kuar ka..ayooo~

sampai la lega..kui2~~
so after this..please dont ask me to go out to mid or mines during weekend k guys..hehe
weekdays..perhaps can, if i've no class..and rajin..hoho~

nota bersepah: arini dok cafe ktsn lepak ngn senior fskb yg b4 nie xnah lepak..dh kuar ktsn br ad gosip2 ngn dorg..apakah..haha

fakta: rindu woo ngn cafe ktsn..kt bangi xleh lepak kt cafe smpai kol 12..ktsn jer..huhu~
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Thursday, July 9, 2009

bitter heart

another song from zee avi
bitter heart
Sun rays come down as seen when they hit the ground,
Children spinning around till they fall down down down.
I wait for you: it's been two hours now,
You're still somewhere in town,
Your dinners getting cold.
I rest my case you are always this late,
And you know how much I hate waiting around 'round 'round,
Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside,
Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide,
Bitter heart, my bitter heart is gettin' just a little fragile,
Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine.
And then you come and tell me the same reason as you did yesterday,
So tell me whats her name.
Doo doo da dum, doo doo da dum, doo doo doo doo doo doo da da dum dum, da da da da dum, da da da da dum, da da da da dum.
Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside
Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide,
Bitter heart, my bitter heart is getting just a little fragile,

nota bersepah:sgt suka dgr lagu ni..i think it's song from a mum to her her voice so much..wee~
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

my story dont want to end itself

haluu there...

bedtime story for tonight.ermmm...i finally move to ukm bangi
hehe..staying at kolej burhanuddin helmi aka burhan. get asrama instead of fletlet
(nasib baik..kah2)

asrama is just newly renovated while fletlet is still in its old way, sgt huduh..sorry to say..hoho.
my new room mate is not a forensic girl but come from another faculty..fakulti sains teknologi dan maklumat,taking computer science..hometown at tawau sabah, a chinese. same age but older than me 23 days.ngeh..very talkative girl, hopefully can get along within 1 year at bangi here.
(sedikit soal siasat yg dah berjaya dibuat..ngee)

another bedtime story...
'my story dont want to end itself'<--wondering?
me also wondering of it myself..ayooo..
i still cant let myself go from's not that i dont want to but i cant..

people can call me an idiot but that cannot be a catalyst to make me forgetting him
people can call me crazy over useless thing but that also cannot make me stop thinking over him
people can call me bagaikan pungguk as well but that cannot stop the feel from polimerized

nota bersepah:abaikan apa yg telah dipost dh sewel..

nota tipoo:aku cuma rindu[location:mimpi dia]
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Saturday, July 4, 2009

+kantoi by zee avi+

Semalam I call you, you tak answer.
You kata you keluar pergi dinner.
You kata you keluar dengan kawan you.
But when I called Tommy he said it wasn't true.

So I drove my car pergi Damansara.
Tommy kata maybe you tengok bola.
Tapi bila I sampai you, you tak ada.
Lagilah I jadi gila.

So I called and called sampai you answer.
You kata sorry sayang tadi tak dengar.
My phone was on silent, I was at the gym.
Tapi latar belakang suara perempuan lain.

Sudahlah sayang, I don't believe you.
I've always known that your words were never true.
Why am I with you, I pun tak tahu.
No wonderlah my friends pun tak suka you.

So I guess that's the end of our story.
Akhir kata she accepted his apology.
Tapi last last kita dapat tahu she was cheating too.
With her ex boyfriend's best friend - Tommy.

nk dgr??..i put it in my myspace playlist..sila2 la dgr..hehe

nota bersepah: i like this song..a simple and santai song..with hidden msg in it..

fakta:skg asik dgr lagu nie..bia smpai termuntah2 mcm mse dgr lagu hola(lalola ost)..ngeeee

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

.:meaning of a smile:.

greeting people..

today's smile?..yerp, i wanna talk about a smile..
it's not his smile im going to talk about but it's something else that catch my mind off

i mention before right where am i coursemate hometown
im staying here for 1 week holiday, along with musim buah...hoho
so happy when we can eat fruits with free

staying together with her family is her grandpa, we call him atok.
atok is very old from what i can assume, just recover from old illness
and now he's not feeling well, got fever

so, the main thing i want to talk of is the smile on his face that i can see within these few days
how i can feel that the smile is so-so-so full of happiness
when his daughter(my friend's mom) talk to him, ask what he want to eat or what he need
he smiles like the world is his
and that smile melt me..i can see he is so happy to be with his daughter

and that remind me of my grandpa..been a while didnt pay him a visit..

at first i saw him past few days, i felt pity
well, everyone feel it that way when we see elders
because he's not well, too old to walk by himself
need others to help him. but, inside those we see, i know now
that, he is happy in his life.

today, i see another expression on his face again.
a sad face. dissapointment is the best word to say i think
someone, a relative just passed away this morning
but he couldnt pay for a last respect.
when his daughter told him not to go as he's not very well
he's just remain in silent, like thinking of something
perhaps thought that why he cant go
when being asked did he ok to go, he kept saying he's fine and no headache
but then, we can see that he had headache
so makcik decide he should rest at home
again i see the sad face of his
my gosh, that hurts me a lil bit

now, he sleep. slept since morning. demam x kebah lg.
i hope that he'll get well very-very soon
i think he get fever because of last night outing, we went for eating satay
and it's quite cold outside..
ermmm..anyway, let us together pray for him, ok...

nota bersepah: i did adore that smile, a smile of an elder have the happiness of the world..may god bless him always..

nota lagi:esok mau balik bangi dah..dok kt burhan..hoho~~

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

oppsss...tag lg??

The rules:
• Write three (3) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award.
1. xknl sgt senanyer org ini..huhu
2. have cute face
3. 1st expression..ermm..mudah emo kot..hoho

• Jot down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself or your hobbies.
1. i'm a small lady
2. internet freaker i guess
3. addicted with a senior..oppss
4. born as a pure iban people in a christian-anglican family
5. have stupid-addicted-crazy shopping hobby
6. currently studying at ukm..forensic sc deg.
7. always get worry with perm hair,shud i get hair treatment or not?..
8. allergic with make up, but still gedik want to use it..huh~ to wear heel..or shud i say, must wear..agaga
10. love people around me, known or unknown..but the most are family and friends..
• Pick your seven (7) most deserving recipients and describe them.
7??..byknyer huhu..
1. biela-sweet girl with sweet words.sgt puitis bila berbicara dlm to read hers.
2. dee-org ini like to tag me before,, but i can only rep months later..hoho..nice guy, org melaka,bdak awam upnm
3. muz- org ni lak xde blog, ad web sndiri jer. nice guy jgak, willing to listen to my problem, create a song for both of us, tp xde lirik..ayoo~
4.norlina-my coursemate,jiran jaoh,sweet and matured girl.penah gado skali,make me cry once.a friend that never can be replaced.
5. syira aka cambesje-coursemate and jiran jaoh jgak.very nice person,soft spoken,penah gado skali and make me cry once smpai bengkak mata..huhu
6. shaza liyana-coursemate,jiran lampi girl,tua sthn,so nice,never see her angry i to kiss us the girls.
7. nurul izni-my rumate kt plaza rah,selang 2 blek mse kt k1,small girl jgak,sgt kepoh,so-easy-get hurt,good listener,br bwat blog.
(ehh..smpai 7 dh?..huhu)
• Leave a comment on the recipients’ blog to tell them they’ve been tagged.
nota bersepah:arini jln2 pusing melaka..naik beca,msk museum kuar museum,ambek gmba..waaaa, bez..and now got headache,sbb kne panas lme sgt..T_T
fakta:xbole berpanas lme sgt, will get headache n mata cam pedih2..huhu
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

::lagu itu::

lagu itu
sering hiasi malam kelam
yang suramnya dia yang dalang
aku di sini
hanya mampu mendengar
lagu itu
yang sama sakitkan hati
namun hati masih berdegil
mahu mendengar
di kala hati ini rindu
lagu itu
mengubat rindu
walau terubat lagi terasa sakit
kerana lagu itu mengingatkan
betapa bahagianya pernah terasa
midnight thought of sadelinevateriabadar
nota bersepah: dpt idea nie pukul 2.46am dikala xleh tdo..huhu
fakta: saat nie hati sy saket..xtau nape...
nota tipoo: sy xrindu..
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

::my hush time story:::

hello there~
story of today. story..hehe
boring?..what else can i tell you..huhu
today, shopping at Mahkota Parade(mp). hey, forget to mention 1 thing
i'm at melaka now, spending 10 days-bored-holiday.
main purpose of today's 'pemfoyaan' is actually not a shopping but, a small trip to A'Famosa.
but,but,but, because we're watching transfomers movie, cancel the trip.
we finish it too late, around 5pm.huhu
pity me la. i really want to go there, but not today..
if nothing else comes up, perhaps we're leaving again.
opps back to the main!!
jalan punya jalan..rm100++ terngalir..haha
(dlm hati nangis2 nie)
all include movie, make up, comics(this time, there's only 3 comics), begs and lunch
guess, i still have this stupid addicted to shopping things
i'd plan only to buy new beg. only 1 beg bebeh..
but then, jalan punya i can say, as usual..i grap some other things that is so-so-so not important and go to cashier then pay them.
what the?..(ayat spe la nie ek..*rolling2 eyes*)
after this, must-must-must not spend on anything anymore. bajet babe bajet..
no more mall, no more expensive more!!!!!
(br plan nk bli bj br..sob2..n no pizza..sob2 lagi)
or else, you eat pasir for lunch and dinner*pointing finger to herself*
hey, i miss book no 4 of' 'good morning call' comic. cant believe it, i'm waiting all this time and i miss it!!
*cerita salingan*
nota bersepah: aritu g burhan..ermm..not bad la tgk dari luar..p xleh msk, kunci..huhu~
nota untuk diri: pasni jgn masuk mall..n jgn shopping lg!!!!!!!!!
shopping comics xpe..alalala~~
fakta:skg musim buah kt melaka..mkn.mkn.mkn jer~~~~~hohoho

muka yg xsedar diri dh pokai p still gedik nk g shopping..hoho

psst: kami pose di katil pengantin..n tido skali..keh2

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Friday, June 26, 2009

::jahatnya mereka..sob2::

heloo there..

jahatnya mereka??.. yes they are[xde la jahat pn..gimik ja..ngeh]..=(

last night, i slept in a sad-sway-mood. i felt like my night is so-so-so incomplete.

i search for it everywhere in the house..i seek into their room, but it isnt there

at last i slept listening to the 'Kembali Pulang'..huhu

why are they so jahat?
it's because they hide beryl and never let me know anything
i just realise that beryl is missing the night i wanna sleep
i just know it the next day when i gedikly mengadu kt dorg

'weis,beryl hilang. smlm carik xjmpe2.penat carik 1 umah'
[ckp ngn sora ala2 cedey nie..huhu]

only then, dear rumate izni show me where they hide her
or specifically, where they hang beryl

gantung beryl kat hanger lg..

nota bersepah:gembira jmpe beryl blek..wah2..=D
fakta:it's last day in plaza rah. tomorrow head to melaka,spending holiday there..ngeee
fakta lagi:mereka xjahat, but nice ngn kepoh people i ever knew..XD

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

kerana saya..rumate saya malu~~

hey there...;)

today..errr...errr..something teribble happen..

gosh..i cant imagine malukn rumate sy sndiri!!!

tp nsb gak la time tu xde org sgt..[mmg xde org pn..ngeh]

meh2 cni sy story~


dlm jam 12 like that, fady give a call

ask me to come to tingkat 10..take the exam schedule..

so..dgn semangatnyer, i shout 'nk trun tingkat 10 ambek jadual exam..spe nk ikut??'

and dengan kurang semangatnyer rumate g tukar baju nk temankn

so..siap2 nk trun...with key and card, we take the lift to tingkat 8..from tingkat 8 we use safety stair to tingkat 10

[complicated isnt just to go to other tingkat..itulah plaza rah..hoho..pjg ctenyer]

get out from the lift at tingkat 8 then i realized

'hey,npe aku pakai selipar nie?'

and dengan 'sopan'nyer my rumate laugh sampai terduduk..huhhu..

rupa2nya..i forget to change my sliper..gosh..

im sorry rumate~..didnt mean to ambrass you in front the CCTV


when we get to my friends house, i showed lina what i'm wearing and she laugh at me as well


the sliper i accidently wore:

nota bersepah: exam is on 25 for forensic IT and forensic Imaging on killing time with all undone assignments!!!..huaaaaa!!!!

fakta: KL skg tgh jerebu..

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

it's 3rd sunday of june!!!

*im clueless to start this post*

how i wish,
time can turn by
back to years ago
the days i can see you every morning
and the days you come back home
but when it comes to the last day
so hurt,
that i forever want it as a dream
the day that god love you more
more that we did
they ask we once, where are you
i am speechless
lost in the answer i have to tell
i can only smile
and talk over him like he's here
but the truth,he's forever left
can you see me down here
from the heaven above
how i miss you
and how i ever wish
you're here
sharing the precious moment together
years past
i still want it as a dream
a nightmare i wish to end soon
but forever i know
it will never end
so i am wishing you here
as i never wish you before
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY...and we love you forever..
special thought of sadeline vateria badar

nota bersepah: wish all fathers in the world..happy father's day..^_^
fakta: my special father's day wish is dedicated to Mr. Badar anak Punpun@Michealas
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Friday, June 19, 2009

[{tag lagi}]..

1)anda perlu printscreen wallpaper anda yang tengah gune skang

2)bgtau nape anda suke wallpaper anda ituhh...

3)tag 10 people

reason:..ermm..nie gmba air..kt sg gabai..picnic day..sje2 jer ltk background nie..

dlu pkai exchange wallpaper..p ble software tu corrupted..pkai wallpaper biasa ja..huhu~

~xmo tag sapa2 lg..huhu~~

nota bersepah: nie tag last from dee..hehe~~

fakta: sy dh berjaya lupakan dia..n can treat him as friend dh..lalala..>.<

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

::sy yg menjwb tag lg::

again, im sitting here on my chair, in front my desk, facing my lappy in plaza rah..
dee's message spinning all over my head..
saying wanna sembelih me if i dont reply his tag..agaga
so, here i am..^_^


1.Bekas kekasih saya adalah : my senior..
2.Saya sedang mendengar :wonder pet theme song..lagu yg cute..hehe
3.Mungkin saya patut : siapkn assignment yg mcm gunung itu skg jugak...
4.Saya suka : him..opsss~~
5.Sahabat-sahabat baik saya : sahabat yg sweet n nice with me..
6.Saya tak paham : mengapa die x phm msg sy...>.<
7.Saya kehilangan : him...errr...
8.Ramai yang berkata : sy kecik..
9.Makna nama saya : errr..never know that...alalala~~
10.Cinta itu adalah : sweet but killing..shining but hurting..
11.Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang : mendoakn yg terbaik untuk anaknya..
12.Saya akan cuba : membahgiakn mereka di sekeliling sy..jaoh atau dekat..
13.Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud : hingga hujung nyawa..
14.Telefon bimbit saya : SE...
15.Bila saya terjaga dari tidur : tgk jam then sleep back..
16.Saya paling meluat apabila : sy meluat bila rasa nak meluat..=_=
17.Pesta/Parti adalah : merimaskan....+_+
18.Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah : hamster...^__^
19.Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah : now..hehe
20.Hari ini : sy berusaha melupakan dia...sedikit demi sedikit..tapi hati masih terasa saketnya...
21.Malam ini saya akan : siapkan tag and habiskan makanan nie..tidur awal maybe..
22.Esok pula saya akan : lepak kat tingkat 10..siapkan assignment IT n Imaging...
23.Saya betul2 inginkan : him..ehh, nak dapatkan skg sgt2 perlu berusaha keras...
24.Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini : dont remember what i thought this morning..huhu
25.Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan :shopping!!!!
26.Makanan Barat atau Jepun : barat kot..
27.Bilik yang terang atau gelap : terang(scared of dark)..tapi bila tidur,need dark space...
28.Makanan segera adalah : tidak sehat tp tetap menyelerakan
29.Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?take care..
30.Siapa yang anda nak Tag?since tag nie dh basi..xmo tag sapa2 dh..ngeh2...


Rules :It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag as many people as you like. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real. If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : sadeline
2. A four Letter Word : seat
3. A boy's Name : samuel
4. A girl's Name : sandra
5. An occupation : street dancer
6. A color : sea blue..
7. Something you'll wear: sandal
9. A food : sambal udang
10. Something found in the bathroom: soap
11. A place : sarawak
12. A reason for being late : shitting..agaga
13. Something you'd shout: sot!
14. A movie title : susuk
15. Something you drink: strawberry juice..?..
16. A musical group : SO7
17. An animal : sheep
18. A street name : senadin
19. A type of car : saga
20. The title of a song : sometimes..


Soalan utk memanaskan badan dulu..
1. Anda lebih suka karipap sardin atau karipap kentang?
::karipap kentang..nyum2...
2. Anda lebih suka air kelapa atau air tebu?
::tebu kot...
3. Apakah pandangan anda mengenai isu jerawat tumbuh selepas makan kacang?
::nonsense kot...hehe
4. Anda plg tertarik dgn lelaki/perempuan yg macamne?
::sweet and nice..have great opinion...
5. Apakah perkara wajib yang anda buat sebelum tidur?
::berus gigi..cuci muka..minum milo(klo kt umah)

Soalan yg memerlukan anda berfikir dgn mendalam
1.Andaikan ada org mghina keluarga anda.Apakah yg akan anda buat?
::must be a reason behind it...
2. Adakah anda akan tolong kwn anda yg dlm kesusahan walaupun dia pernah khianati anda?
::if he/she betrayed me once..bole la..what comes around goes around kn2...
3.(nape no3 nie xde..)
4. Adakah anda akan pilih org yg anda cintai atau org yg anda sayangi sbgai pasangan hidup anda
::org yg syg sy ler....
5. Apakah yg buat anda bersemangat utk hidup smpai skrg?
::my mum...
6. Andaikan masa dapat diputar balik,apakah yg ingin anda betulkan?
::xnk suka dia...
7. Adakah anda akan give up jika perkara yg anda lakukan asyik gagal? not a strong-merong gal after all..
8. Andaikan anda menghidap penyakit berjangkit,adakah anda masih akan berkawan dgn dia?
::no..i dont want to be the reason for him/her to fall sick..
9. Sesetengah org mengatakan budak-budak amatlah menyusahkan.Apa pandangan anda?
::certain of them..

mangsa seterusnya adalah : next mangsa kot..

ok..cukup la takat nie..esok2 sambung lg..byk gak tag die nie tag aku..alalal~~~

nota bersepah:assignmnet sgt byk!!!!!!! so penat la lately...
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

**tag dari annyss**

01. Who was your last text from?
::cant remember who..jap2,let me check on it..ohho,kak shima ler..
02. Where was your default picture taken? my 1st year room back at ktsn..
03. Your relationship status?
::married..keh2..tipoo single unavailable..=P
04. Have you ever lost a close friend?
::always lost them to some1 else and i never know where's my fault..ermmm...
05. What is your current mood?
::tired..having photography class today and taking picture all around tasek titiwangsa..waa penat2..=_+
06. How many siblings do you have?
07. Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names?
::claisdell lorren..jacqueline..humprey quincy..valentine pearson..
i know they're unique..hehe
08. Where do you wish you were right now?
::sweety home of course..wanna go home!!!wuuaaawuuaaa....
09. Have a crazy side????
::only when surrounded by close friends^_^..alala~~~
10. Ever had a near death experience?
::ermm..nope..but what happens around makes me paranoid..weird isnt?..agaga~
11. Something you do a lot?
::date with my lappy...and photo taking..
12. Angry at anyone?
::while ago..aihhh~~pedulikan!..+_+
13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
::myself..dont have the confident and courage to go after not cheap after all..=P
14. When was the last time you cried?
::last week..and that will be the last one i hope..
15. Is there anyone you would do anything for?
::dearest family..and close friends..people that i love..known or unknown people..who ever that stay in this pretty world...
16. What you think about when you are falling asleep?
::errr..drag me to hell scene..scary~~~~~huhu..
17. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
::shaza..asking about imaging assignment..
18. What is your favorite song?
::tunjukkan aku by boneca...a song i dedicated to him before..
19. What are you doing right now?
::hug beryl..listening to music..
20. Who do you trust right now?
::no one..not even myself..=_=
21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
::errr..not wearing shirt at this moment..agaga~~
22. Have you kissed someone in the past week?
::not sure..i think the last one i kissed was shaza..'rindu kiss'..haha~
23. Who is your friend that lives closest to you?
::nurul izni abdul current roommate..hehe
24. Describe your life in one word?
::dull but im happy with it..because i have nice and sweet friends that shake it..
25. Who are you thinking of right now?
::him..even though im in mission to vanish him from my mind..=\
26. What should you be doing right now?
27. What are you listening to?
::craig david..7 days..
28. Who was the last person who gave you a hug?
::cant remember which one and who..haha..=P
29. Who was the last person who yelled at you?
::her...and please dont ask who..
30. Do you act differently around the person you like?
::sometimes...but im trying to act as cool as i can be..
31. What is your natural hair color?
::black..(hitam itu menawan..ngeh2..)
32. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
33. Who was the last person to make you sad?
::him...or her??..errrr..i think it's him..huhu..
34. What do you hear?
::sounds of traffic..
35. Is your hair curly or straight?
::originally straight..but i curl it..=D
36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before?
::never know...
37. Do you have a best friend?
::guess so..*blur*..
38. Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?
39. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
40. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
::ya of course..but dont remember when the last time..huhu
41. Are you happy with life right now?
::i am..and hopefully i'll be happy for the future as well..=)
42. Are you currently jealous?
::nope..with who anyway...alala~~
43. What jewelery are you currently wearing?
::ring, neclace,toe ring and gelang kaki..
44. What were you doing on friday night?
::staying at what i'm doing now..;P
45. Have you ever had your heart broken?
46. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
::my ex..*rolling eyes*
47. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
::her..and again dont ask me who..
48. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for?
::my tooth..='(
49. How late did you stay up last night and why ?
::slept at 5..try to finish up assignments but mission failed..adehh
50. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
::my ex..
nota bersepah: pjg jgak tag anyss nie bwat..huhu..
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Monday, June 15, 2009

[picnic day picture version]

mari bercerita melalui gambar!

nota bersepah: starting from today..nk nekad.let's ignore him!!

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