hello there~
story of today. erm...shopping story..hehe
boring?..what else can i tell you..huhu
today, shopping at Mahkota Parade(mp). hey, forget to mention 1 thing
i'm at melaka now, spending 10 days-bored-holiday.
main purpose of today's 'pemfoyaan' is actually not a shopping but, a small trip to A'Famosa.
but,but,but, because we're watching transfomers movie, cancel the trip.
we finish it too late, around 5pm.huhu
pity me la. i really want to go there, but not today..
if nothing else comes up, perhaps we're leaving again.
opps back to the main story.shopping!!
jalan punya jalan..rm100++ terngalir..haha
jalan punya jalan..rm100++ terngalir..haha
(dlm hati nangis2 nie)
all include movie, make up, comics(this time, there's only 3 comics), begs and lunch
guess, i still have this stupid addicted to shopping things
i'd plan only to buy new beg. only 1 beg bebeh..
but then, jalan punya jalan..as i can say, as usual..i grap some other things that is so-so-so not important and go to cashier then pay them.
what the?..(ayat spe la nie ek..*rolling2 eyes*)
after this, must-must-must not spend on anything anymore. bajet babe bajet..
no more mall, no more expensive food..no more!!!!!
(br plan nk bli bj br..sob2..n no pizza..sob2 lagi)
or else, you eat pasir for lunch and dinner*pointing finger to herself*
hey, i miss book no 4 of' 'good morning call' comic. cant believe it, i'm waiting all this time and i miss it!!
*cerita salingan*
nota bersepah: aritu g burhan..ermm..not bad la tgk dari luar..p xleh msk, kunci..huhu~
nota untuk diri: pasni jgn masuk mall..n jgn shopping lg!!!!!!!!!
shopping comics xpe..alalala~~
fakta:skg musim buah kt melaka..mkn.mkn.mkn jer~~~~~hohoho
muka yg xsedar diri dh pokai p still gedik nk g shopping..hoho
psst: kami pose di katil pengantin..n tido skali..keh2
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melaka? g naik eye on msia x? hahah~
err..sgt sdap buah melaka?
beli blacan x kat aku?? kah3
komik jek..dah 3almari komik ko ada iceq..bile ko beli kan utk aku pon xtau..*waiting*
yeah~ makan pasir for lunch n dinner..aku pnh try dlu..agagagag..*tipu*
ape lg ek.?
knduri kwin sapa ko g? huhu
aku mau cuti!!!!!!!!!!
fatin..xkot..cam mls jer nk g naik tu..kt ttwangsa dlu pn dh nek..n kwn aku ckp boring xnmpk pape pn dari c2..huhu
belacan?..ko nk ker..haha..=P
alaa..comics jer pon..kah2..almari aku 1 jer la,tu pn xpenoh lg...tggu aku penohkn br aku stop kot..hoho(cite tipoo nie)
xpe la fatin, aku xnk tau rse pasir..ckup la ko sorg jer tau camne rse pasir..haha
bkn kenduri, tu dlu blek pengantin kakak kwn aku, br kawen awl thn nie..so blek tu dorg still biakn camtu..huhu
bal..ko kn dh cti..huhu..
sabo ek, ad 2 mggu ag kn nk blek kl..^_^
lin, asal x amek gmbar burhan tu.. nak tgok gak..
yg budak kat sebelah tu bile nk update blog?
alaa.xterpk plak mse tu..
intan kate die dh boring men blog,..hoho
huhu... da smpi bndr besejarah daa..
ehe, amacam? best tak?
hmm, aku da takder sore daa mkn buah jee kat cnie.. huhu...
hehe..not bad la
p br jln kt mall
esok kot jln g a famosa
nk ikt??XD
haha..xde sore dh..ko melantak ke ape..aku br melantak durian..buah lain blom ag..keh2~~
Kalau ko kuar ngan aku parah gak kot.Hantu soping gak aku ni.Lalala
natto..haha..xpe la..klo jpa dh msk, xde hal nyer nk shopping cam antoo..shopping smpai esk pn aku nk...agaga~~
*xsedar diri ag,kata nk smpan duit cbok gak nk shopping..alala~~*
da jalan2 bru ajak..
takper laa iceq...
haha.... ari tu aku gegar pokok manggis ngan rambutan kat merlimau...
abes daa sumer aku telan...
ko da jalan2 kat sungai melaka tak?
pesanan penaja : jalan time malam2 lagi best....
haha..lain kali la ek..nnt2 aku nk dtg melaka lg..ngeh2~~
waa..ko dtg merlimau ker..haha..buaya nyer ko telan sume..:O
sg melaka?..xpon,jln kt bandar jer..pusing2 museum..hehe..mne leh jln mlm weis,ktorg nie pompuan..klo ad kete pn blm tentu lpas nk kuar..huhu~~
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