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Cuba fikir elok elok

..anda rasa anda dah cukup bersyukur?..

Sunday, February 28, 2010've got style contest..

kali nie join contest lagi..

sila click untuk melihat contest k..

contest nie dapat tau pagi td masa blogwalking..
its dateline is 1st march yakni ESOK!
kalau ikutkan xnak join gak mula2,cam xsempat lak nak carik gamba
tp tringat lak ada 1gamba nie cam boleh je pakai..
soo,im joining this contest!
hehe..saje nak buang tebiat esok nk exam..ngeh2~~

so,below is the pict for the xstyle,i letak je gambo nie ye kak eynda..huahua~

gamba nie after dance performing time program kolej..ngee~

nota bersepah:
..adoi,saket pale la~!.
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..tsunami alert..

just now,i saw an updated status of my senior's ym saying this..

CAUTION : A 8.8 scale earthquake hit Chile at 3.34am. It's TSUNAMI ALERT FOR MALAYSIA now. TSUNAMI might ASSAULT SARAWAK and SABAH at 1pm on 28 FEBRUARY 2010. Please leave and keep away from the seaside for your own safety to prevent the unwanted tragedy. *LINK*

then,when i opened up my fb,i saw some friends put the same message as their new status..

a friend put a link,click on it and i saw this..

It is advisable to those staying at the coastal areas of southern Sabah to stay away from the beaches as there are likely to occur rough sea conditions and sea level rising starting from 12 pm until 6 pm today


i'm in dead worry..even sarawak is not mentioned..hoping everything will be fine..
adeh,dahla time nie ngah baca spectro..paper esok..rasa cam xtenteram lak..
i've texted my sis bout this..but she didnt reply yet..last time i call her,she said celcom cam ada problem..adoyaii..
i hope my brother are not going for offshore this week..if he did,harap2 dah balik ke mainland la..huhu~

for other citizen,i hope you get this message already..and lets pray no bad things happen..

 nota bersepah:
..igtkan nak fokus ngan nota spectro,xnk buka facebook n blog arini..but this thing sgt2 distract me at this moment..gosh~!
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Friday, February 26, 2010

..sila cakap perlahan..


arini nak cerita pasal 'cakap perlahan' atau selalu kita dengar orang kata 'slow talk'..'cakap perlahan' nie actually 1 elemen yang penting dalam kita selesaikan masalah yang timbul lagi2 disebabkan oleh salah myself, dah mengalami situasi nie sebanyak 3kali..sedikit or banyak tu ea?..

to readers:
jadi,kepada siapa2 yang sedang bergadoh,bakal bergadoh take this solution..tapi make sure ada orang tengah yang pandai handle la,kalau x hancus la slow talk tu..

.referring to previous sure yang membaca boleh agak kan,sy sedang bersalah faham ngan some people tapi yang kena mention nama just 1 person..something happened between us and last night we had this 'cakap perlahan'..thanx god,every1 is memberi kerjasama wpun pada asalnya hanya certai people yang perlu that slow talk..and boleh cakap dengan pelan2 juga..
.malah,sifat berpura2 xtau juga telah dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya bila izni tanya -nak lepak katne lak lepas nie?- and every1 cakap -xtau,ikut je la bontot kete dorg-..and sanggup gak tunggu izni abeh meeting jam 1130 sambil2 karok cam org gila dalam kereta shida..hehe..
.so,sekarang everything is clear and settled..perasaan masa balik dari tempat lepak terasa tenang,seolah2 dunia nie dah xda masalah yang timbul..penutup bagi acara tengah malam adalah peluk cium dan kata maaf..hee~
ohh..tentatif yang xtinggal masa penutup is kutip hutang duit dinner nitecourse..nasib baik semua nak bayar..kalau x,i nangis2 sampai banjir kbh..kui2~

papepun,later and in the future..lets be cool down and talk slowly if you have something yang xpuas hati..
macam hasnul cakap,kena buat selalu slow talk nie,1sem skali..haha..nice idea gak kan..XD

antara muka2 yang turut hadir disamping membelasah 2 bungkus kacang n 2 bungkus jajan serta terimbau kisah hampir 2tahun yang lalu semasa orentasi..ngee~

owh,lagi 1 nak cakap..thanx to izni blanje makan..wpun time tu situasi kita masih kurang jelas tp we act like there's nothing come across us..sgt profesional la kita smlm..ngeee~

nota bersepah:
..bangun lambat..
..yeeee,hiprokrit itu adakalanya penting..walaupun ia macam sucks didengar..
..sekian,terima kasih..
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Thursday, February 25, 2010


cerita 1:
..everything is like a damn shit..

cerita 2:
..mohon maaf untuk saudari NURUL IZNI trying to be honest,mahukan yang terbaik agar kita sama2 boleh menjadi kawan yang baik untuk sesama kita..if you cant accept cara teguran itu,then im truly sorry..saya kurang fasih nak menegur orang tp saya dah xsanggup bercakap belakang dan mendengar org bercakap belakang..
dan lagi,perubahan itu mmg perlu dari hati sendiri bukannya org lain..tapi people around adalah starting point kenapa kita nak berubah..xmahu berubah dengan alasan 'ini adalah aku' is alil' bit selfish,sounded you dont love your friends and your ego is more important than anything else..

**aku akan remove your name if you ask me to..and i know it's sangat2 public to write thing like is my way to express things..i'll take out your name,not the whole post..because i take this as a reminder to myself..but if you want the whole thing,i wont mind..and aku masih stick with my words,aku xkan tinggalkan kau kalau kau still perlukan aku..sila jangan jadikan hal PD tu as a reason memutuskan persahabatan yang dah mencecah usia 2tahun..
and lastly,i am sorry for this post written..

*cerita 1 xda kaitan ngan cerita 2..harap maklum..

nota bersepah:
..makin xmengerti ngan hidup dan hati.. sedang merepek,sila abaikan di cerita 1..

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

complicated is killing

heloo readers...

ehem2..arini,mood masih terbang di langit mendung..
mungkin aku patut tikam hati ini dan biarkan ia mati xberperasaan
agar jiwa ini lebih tenang tanpa memikirkan perihal mereka dan mereka serta dia..
it's tiring~
boleh x kalau kita hidup nie biar cool??
because complicated life is actually killing
and i am an easy person who live in this damn pretty world


nota bersepah:
..hidup yang tunggang langgang ini,bilakah mahu stabil kembali?..
..cuaca skg sgt panas kan?..korg xrasa ke?.. juga rindu saat kita bersama..
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..mood ini seperti pelarian..

hai korang..

fyi..sekarang di saat i'm typing this post,it's night already..almost midnight i can call it..
sedang memeluk bebear abg long bagi, merenung kosong beryl n bebear yg da gang bagi..
supposely sekarang HARUS study..note di situ ye,HARUS x study2 pun lagi dari tadi
kerjanya just blogwalking..still sitting in front of lappy..facebooking
mood nampak gayanya xmahu pulang ke pangkuan..mungkin sedang berlari2 gedik di atas track di stadium ukm
wahai incik mood..sila la pulang..need you sooo damn much..
khamis nie ada exam..paper polimer II..see the #my currently issue# di atas sebelah kanan??..
[-polimer masuk glassy amorphus, crystal polymer, termoset polymer,dissolvation of polymer n Flori-Krigbaum theory... yg x masuk colloid n liquid crystal polymer... sekian....- ]
thats the topic we need to cover up for this midsem paper..glup2~
*perhatian ye..result last sem sy macam SHIT..jadi siapa2 TOLONG la marah sy skg..

aritu masa cuti pun xbuka buku..kalau nama dah xbuka,apa lagi nak baca..cet~!
i am the laziest person on EARTH!
*knock her head ngan lappy

#arini adalah birthday kawan yang sy kenal since tadika..celik pejam sepet, dah 14tahun kita kawan..wah,sangat lama ituu~
moga kamu success di sana and back to malaysia with the greatest feel you ever have..

nota bersepah:
..rindu ini sedang membunuh jiwa..di mana kamu wahai cinta?.. teringat,surat cinta xtulis lagi..errrr....

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010 own present is not perfect..

...heloo~ is quite a normal day...

...i made my own present..

...for my birthday...



...after 1 hour,my present is still in disaster...

...supposely, it becomes a house...

...beautiful house... this...

...i am a bad arcitect,kan...


nota bersepah: rindu dia la...
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

my very best day[18/02]

heloo people around..^^

phewww..been a while x update kan..sowiee..been soooo busy la this weekend..ngeee..busy la sangat..busy bercuti actually..huahua~
this entry is about last best day..hehe..xsempat nak update sini because my birthday is on thursday,we went for port dickson is on friday..balik2 dari times,sangat penat n mengantuk..tu yang sampai bilik,online kejap n facebooking then terus kong atas katil..barang2 pun xkemas lagi..
ok..skg nak cite what happen during my best day..XD

1st..taken place at times square..
sambut birthday sorang2 kat secret recipe with moist cake yang sangat la xmoist..>.<
sedih sedikit di sini,huhu..
[sebenarnya time nih tunggu dila,konon2 mau date berdua tgk percy jackson and the lighting thief..tapi xjadi..hehe]

cake and card at oldtown white coffee..
bowling then had sandwich at subway..jalan2 before balik..
got a big teddy from abang long..sangat suka..:D..thanx abg long!!
cake n card are so sweet,terkejut n sangat2 xsangka actually
my seniors and she are the best!
the others..thanx for celebrating..cayang korang!wont forget that..

gamba di bawah adalah 'she' yang bertanggungjawab making my day a wonderful day..:D
thanx alot for what you had done..and forever i wont forget this..
thanx also for being such a great there and makes me happy
i am sooo sorry if any there that i did is hurting you
as that i cant be a good friend to any1, but still i love you even we are not a very best friend..

next day..
off to port dickson and melaka..
stop at tanjung tuan before back to ukm..
got surprise by a big teddy..(>^_^)v

to you..thanx for everything,the surprise..kat pd lagi.bak kata shaza,lin's birthday salu jer special..haha
i guess it's true and it is sangat2 memoriable to me..
again,i'm sorry if anything i've did or said hurt any of you..
we're giving and taking right,so it should be equal..ngeee~
thanx besties!!
cayang anda semua and may this friendship is last forever and blessed..^^v

and also to those who had wishing..kat fb,text, blog..thanx juga..even it's just wishes,still makes me happy..cayang korg juga!!^.^
nota bersepah:
..i thought last year birthday is the most wonderful but actually this year it is most-deadly-crazyly wonderful than last year..weeee~~
..terasa bertuah di kala ini walaupun adakalanya rasa cam 'pedulikan mereka2'..huhu~~
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

i'd come for you..

ok,arini mahu berkongsi 1 lagu..not a new song,lagu lama..but it's a so meaningful song tau..
sang by Nickelback..entitled I'd Come For You..when you read up the lyric,sounded like lagu nie nak bagi kat some1 that you really love and care..yup,it's true but it's not for lover.instead,it's actually from a father to his the videoclip then you'll understand..that's why i'm really really into this song..

Just One more moment, thats all thats needed.
Like wounded soldiers in need of healing.
Time to be honest, this time I'm bleeding
Please don't dwell on it, cause I didn't mean it
I cant believe I said I'd lay our love on the ground
But it doesn't matter cause i've made it up forgive me now
Everyday I spend away my souls inside out
Gotta be someway that I can make it up to you now, somehow.

By now you'd know that I'd come for you
No one but you, yes I'd come for you
But only if you told me to
And I'd fight for you
I'd lie, it's true
Give my life for you
You know I'd always come for you

I was blindfolded, but now I'm seeing
My mind was closing, now I'm believing
I finally know what just what it means to let someone in
To see the side of me that no one does or ever will
So if your ever lost and find yourself all alone
I'd search forever just to bring you home,
Here and now this I vow

By now you'd know that I'd come for you
No one but you, yes I'd come for you
But only if you told me to
And I'd fight for you
I'd lie, it's true
Give my life for you
You know I'd always come for you
You know I'd always come for you

No matter what gets in my way
As long as there's still life in me
No matter what, remember you know I'll always come for you
Yes I'd come for you, no one but you,
Yes I'd come for you
But only if you told me to
And I'd fight for you
I'd lie, it's true
Give my life for you
You know I'd always come for you

No matter what gets in my way
As long as there's still life in me
No matter what, remember you know I'll always come for you
I'd crawl across this world for you
Do anything you want me to
No matter what, remember you know I'll always come for you
You know I'll always come for you

nota bersepah:
..miss my daddy..may you rest there in peace,amen..
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..sengal #1..

ke hadapan,
'ehem2' yang senantiasa di hati dan jiwa..
sehat? kt sini just fine,dont worry syg..
awak sibuk ye?'s been awhile we didnt contact each agak rindu di sini tau..susah nak nampak awak free skg kan,online pun x..tesis xsiap lagi's ok,sy faham..
whatever it is,sila jaga diri and makan awak..jangan sakit2 ok..nanti sy risau..
itu je untuk kali nie,take care..akan sentiasa sayang dan rindu awak..^^

nota bersepah:
..oh,sy busan~!!!!!..sehingga menulis benda yg bukan2 dah..adoyaiii~
..xde real ehem2 nk bg surat cinta,so bg kt blog ja,any1 dat rasa2nya is my lovely bf,sila la reply this surat k..ekeke~
..hurmmm..terasa kekok juga pakai perkataan 'sayang' as ganti diri kedua..huhu..
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

jadual oh examku...

*ambik kau,aku letak besar2 sini*

yieeeee...starting from 15-20/2,pengesahan peperiksaan telah pun bermula..budak2 UKM sekalian,sila la sahkan..

so,berdasarkan gamba di atas yang telah dicetakskrin..boleh nampak?..xboleh,sila ambik kanta pembesar then tengok,ok..

ohh..sesungguhnya aku xsanggup nak menghadapi exam yang senantiasa bermula di awal pagi..I AM TOTALLY A DEAD MEAT..

bakal bermula 12/4 kemudian berakhir 28/4..ermmm,how many weeks is that?..2 kot..huk2,seperti biasa la tuuu..
and,nasib baik 2 paper which on the same day is amali bersama toxico..toxico is 'senang' so should be no problem,sebab selalunya amali nie ehem2 ja..huahua..
*terdapat penipuan di sini ye tuan2 dan puan2*

nota bersepah:
..bilik masih bersepah walaupun sudah dikemas sebaik mungkin..d'oh..
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Monday, February 15, 2010

..sedikit cerita xpenting..

hai every1..^^

just now, i chatted with a best male friend..hehe
so topik ktorg,ringan2 jerr..katanyerr,busan awek xde kt malaysia..dah terbang ke korea..rindu la tu..haha
then timbul lak kisah cinta dia..he said he's going to be serious with her,xda main2 glad to hear that,shows he's happy with the new life ahead him..i'll always pray for you buddy,hehe..
n lagi,sila keje elok2..tau la keje ringan je,tp still kne elok2 juga..sekeh kang klo xdengar cakap..ehh,bebel lak kt sini,haha..

btw, yesterday i played bowling..yaaa,it's bowling again,haha..for the 1st time,STRIKE ok!..haha,cant believe it either..waaaa,suka2..xpenah2 strike main bowling..i like~!!!
arini nk g sunway lak..xsure lagi either lagoon or up every1 first,baru decide..huhu
owhh,lupa nk cakap..both outing are with my ex-schoolmate..lama x jumpa,haha..some did change alots,some just slighty..

ok la,mahu cerita itu sahaja arini..hehe..take care every1..^^

nota bersepah:
..hati semakin kering ye..kah2..
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Friday, February 12, 2010

ronggengan dari pagi yang cerah ke pagi yang gelita

hai and hello~

ehem2..testing2..dapat baca kan korg?..hehe
ok2..sekarang nie mahu cerita ini satu kisah..errrr,ada banyak kisah sebenarnya..hihi
right now,it's already 2:17am and it's a tired day..tired??..haaa,sebab tu la arini ada banyak kisah..
so,tanpa wasting the time..kita mulakan kisah kita dengan~

kisah 1:
toxicology,ktorg ada exam..nama singkatan paper nie toxico..subj pasal keracunan, xkisah la keracunan dadah/ubat ke,metallic ke,natural product  ke, asalkan boleh menyumbang ke arah keracunan dalaman's a 1hour paper,taken at DSG KTSN,UKMKL at 11 am..depart from KBH,UKMBANGI at 930am and manage to get there on time,wee~..then depart back to Bangi on 1230 after lunch..

kisah 2:
my saloon story..arini ke saloon ok..planned to go to kajang,but then hasnul blablabla to me said -kat warta pun ok- so head to warta je la..tapi-tapi-tapi, dari perasaan nak ke salun sebab nak relief stress jadi pula makin stress..arghh~..kakak2 who work there are not pro at all,[only 2 of them je la,xsemua..huhu], supposely it takes 3hours[katanyerrrr] but then it takes them 4hours to settle up all..and i know la the reasons why,they,note that THEY move sooooo slow sampaikan saya rasa macam -meh sini la sy tolong buatkan sekali-..goshh,xpenah rasa macam nie klo g buat rambut..adoiiii~
ohh,lupa nak cakap..i'm rebonding my hair,lalalala..akhirnya after years resisting hair rebonding,last2 buat juga..what a waste kan,haha..*bongek*
*pengajaran:sila jangan percaya cakap mereka lagi..T_T

kisah 3:
my bola bowling bergolek ke longkang..before ke saloon,ktorg main bowling dulu^^..KTORG main 2 games ok,aishh,tangan pun naik lenguh tapi buat bodoh je la sebab nak main juga..ngeee~
1st tu,xplan pun nak main..hasnul tu la yang gedik ajak main..tapi bestttt,lama dah xmain bowling..maceh hasnul ajak main n blanje[eh,hasnul ke yang blanje, tp tadi din minta duit bowling..kah2]
1st game,saya no last~!*dengan gembira meng-annouce*,tapi second dapat 2nd last~!*dengan sangat gembira juga meng-announce*
masa main 2nd game,makan mihun goreng pula,sedappppp~~wpun mahal and sikit..kui2~

kisah 4:
the satay kajang haji samuri,sebelah stadium kajang...nie plan dari minggu lepas..this one also hasnul yang ajak..each 1 get 10 cucuk,daging and ayam..boleh pilih yang mana 1..hehe..OH,KENYANGNYA~~
and once again im knocking the record!habiskan 10 cucuk satay dengan rakusnya bersopan..lalalala~~
lepas makan satay,singgah jap kat..errr..pasar malam ke namanya??..whatever la ea, there's a kedai stall selling crocs..favourite izni, saya dengan amat berbesar hati membeli 1 pasang selipar comey lagi bergaya tapi sayangnya bukan warna yang dikehendaki sebab warna yang dimahu dah xde saiz,terima kaseh la keciwakan hati ini..sob3~~

kisah 5:
ronggengan forensic jalanan..keluar dari satay kajang haji samuri,naik kereta,dalam hati:xsabar nak sampai bilik,ngantuk and penat..huhu..tiba2 mendengar suara yang dikenali cakap blablabla PUTRAJAYA blablabla[xingat dorg cakap apa]..putrajaya???..-eh,sapa nak g putrajaya- -laaa,kita la nak g-..ehhh,xtau pun,ingat trus balik..owhhh,rupa2nya dorg plan nak jalan2 lagi..kah3..*aku yang tidak mengetahui apa2*..mula2,nak g masjid besi itu,but the road is blocked,dont know why..then,cari la lagi 1 entry..pusing2..tutup juga,alahaii..then,we stop at the bridge je la..izni la nie,yang ajak..haha..tapi sini best juga ok, what we do is just PHOTO-TAKING..all time kot..model jalanan sungguh la budak forensic nie..haha..terima kaseh kepada izni sebab beriya2 kata nak bergambar kat jambatan..XD
tapi malangnya,camera syira lak kong..batery empty,so our photo-taking session sekejap sahaja..maaf sad sebab every1 is actually a photo-addicted yang teramat sangat..
beredar dari putrajaya hanya selepas dihalau oleh pakcik security pada jam,,ermmm..130am..nonenonenone..balik2..huhu

kisah 6:
si ameer ali..tapi, we all didnt go back directly to KBH..sebab ktorg nak lepak dulu kat kedai mamak ini..AMEER ALI..lepak2,makan2,minum2,borak2,berbongek2kan..i order 1 teh tarik and 1 watermelon juice..oh,sangat haus ok..shidot blanje fries..then curik telur dari nasi lemak din,curik sikit roti nan cheese hasnul,curik juga sikit kopi o ice din,ada lagi,curik sikit maggi goreng ijat..wahh,kenyang sedikit..keh2..
ktorg meninggalkan tempat kejadian dan tiba di KBH pada jam 0155..mantap kan?..huhu~

jadi,what i feel?? yang teramat ok..setelah sekian lama,ktrg satu course/class xkumpul ramai2 macam nie..akhirnya malam nie tanpa perancangan rapi,berjaya berkumpul and lepak ramai2..klo dulu lepak pun girls only,this time the boys are joining the club juga..thanx to hasnul la,our mastermind nie..haha
masa makan satay,sempat lagi buat plan nak buat apa for the future..harap sangat2 kali nie it becomes reality..cant wait for it!!
*KTORG yang dimaksudkan adalah kekuatan ahli forensic/2 seramai 16 orang(11girls+5boys),bersamaan 2 kereta (wira+kancil) dan 2 moto(jenama xdikenalpasti)..
nota bersepah: penat mengantuk-yang-dah-xmengantuk-sebab-kopi-din..all in 1..
..ronggengan jalanan yang berjaya..
..owhh,arini sy banyak gelak ketawa..hehe..
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

~friendship contest~

nota bersepah:
buat simple ja..huhu~
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010 not ok..


nota bersepah: so-so-so regretting for falling in love..
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Useful information to remind us to be more careful and vigilant about how we handle sensitive information.........

This gives us something to think about with all our new electronic technology.

A couple of weeks ago a friend told me that someone she knew had their car broken into while they were at a football game.
Their car was parked on the green which was adjacent to the football stadium and specially allotted to football fans.
Things stolen from the car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS which had been prominently mounted on the dashboard.
When the victims got home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just about everything worth anything had been stolen.
The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house. They then used the garage remote control to open the garage door and gain entry to the house. The thieves knew the owners were at the football game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so they knew how much time they had to clean out the house.
It would appear that they had brought a truck to empty the house of its contents.

Something to consider if you have a GPS - don't put your home address in it. Put a nearby address (like a store or gas station) so you can still find your way home if you need to, but no one else would know where you live if your GPS were stolen.

I never thought of this..........
This lady has now changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile phone after her handbag was stolen. Her handbag, which contained her cell phone, credit card, wallet... Etc...was stolen.
20 minutes later when she called her hubby, from a pay phone telling him what had happened, hubby says 'I received your text asking about our Pin number and I've replied a little while ago.'
When they rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was already withdrawn. The thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text 'hubby' in the contact list and got hold of the pin number. Within 20 minutes he had withdrawn all the money from their bank account.

Moral of the lesson:
Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your contact list..
Avoid using names like Home, Honey, Hubby, Sweetheart, Dad, Mom, etc....
And very importantly, when sensitive info is being asked through texts, CONFIRM by calling back.
Also, when you're being text by friends or family to meet them somewhere, be sure to call back to confirm that the message came from them. If you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet 'family and friends' who text you.

*cetak dan tampal dari email given by a friend..

nota bersepah:

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Monday, February 8, 2010

..bila otak kurang berfungsi..

i'm sorry for everything in the world

I’m sorry.. when I can’t be a friend
I’m sorry.. when my answer is ‘yes’
I’m sorry.. when everything seems wrong
I’m sorry.. when my courage is playing hide-n-seek
I’m sorry.. as the truth is hidden
I’m sorry.. as you’re the only one
I’m sorry.. as I’ve fallen into you, deeply
I’m sorry.. as your picture is in my drawer
I’m sorry.. it’s your name I sang
I’m sorry.. it’s you I thought
I’m sorry.. it’s you that matter
I’m sorry.. it’s you I’m waiting
I’m sorry.. it’s you whose forever in my diary
I’m sorry.. it took me a year
I’m sorry.. I’m happy with the love given
I’m sorry.. I love all the flying kisses
I’m sorry.. I cry every night
I’m sorry.. I say stupid things
I’m sorry.. I have to pretend
And I’m sorry.. I regret everything that happened between us..
“Knowing you is the sweetest thing happen to me
But the sweet thing sometimes can turn to bitter
As it hurts me badly when I can’t make you mine

nota bersepah:
...masih tiada mood di kala ini..paper organic structure determination br je selesai jam 10pm td...sejujurnya,rasa nk golek2 atas meja exam..aishh~
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

mode: puisi esok nk midsem

-jarak semakin bertambah-

hati kini sudah berubah
tidak seperti dulu yang sering berniat nakal
yang sering inginkan keseronokan
yang hanya memikirkan kegembiraan

hati kini sudah sepi
tanpa mahu bersama hati yang lain
bosan atau malas
tidak pasti yang mana satu penyebabnya

hati kini terasa sakit
risau,malah bingung
kerana masalah yang satu ini
sukar mahu selesai sehingga hati jadi beku

hati kini jadi buntu
bukannya niat mahu menjauhi
cuma tiada rasa mahu berkongsi
segala kesedihan,segala sakit

hati kini terasa jauh
merasa mereka sudah berubah
atau sebenarnya aku yang perasan sendiri
yang sudah tidak sefahaman

nota bersepah:
#tiada mood untuk bersukaria..terasa malas untuk segala2nya..=_=
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Saturday, February 6, 2010

-lagu dari hati untuk kamu-

[sila click tajuk untuk dengar]
Out here in the quiet of the night
Beneath the stars, and moon
We both know we've got somethin' on our minds
We won't admit, but it's true

You look at me, I look away
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling,
But I don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now
I'm afraid that you might break my heart
Oh why should anything so easy ever
Be so hard to do
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling,
And to say that, I love you

I practice all the things that I would say
Line by line, every word
I tell myself today would be the day
But everytime, I lose my nerve

I look at you, you look away
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling,
But I don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now,
I'm afraid that you might break my heart
Oh why should anything so easy ever
Be so hard to do
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling,
And to say that, I love you

Why do you turn away
It must be, you're afraid like me
I try, but I can't pretend that I,
Don't feel for you, the way I do,
Can't you see

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling,
But I don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now,
I'm afraid that you might break my heart
Oh why should anything so easy ever
Be so hard to do,
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling
And to say that, I love you

(whisper) I love you

nota bersepah:
..given by biela..thnx for the song and it's so beautiful..if i can dedicate it to him..='(
nota tipu:
..rindu dia..
nota xtipu:
..saya dah xbetul..n im truly sorry for being soooo selfish..T__T
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Friday, February 5, 2010

function of "DELETE" button

-greeting to people who breath under the sunlight/moonlight-
arini sedang merangka sesuatu yang secret..secret?..consider as secret la,walaupun tergedik nak post sini juga..huhu

1st step..bersihkan key2 di atas lappy,buang debu,habuk,germ2 yang mungkin ada..bersih dah?..

2nd down,make sure dalam hati ada keyakinan yang tinggi..

3rd START, MY COMPUTER, open external hard disc PHOTO, ..folder PHOTO 09'..right-click subfolder 'anak org itu', left-click DELETE FOLDER..

4th step..sila on YM,focus on a name..right-click lagi,then left-click DELETE ID..
oh,jangan lupa sila permanent invi pada nama itu ok..

5th step..sila sign in MYSPACE yang dah berhabuk on FRIENDS, DELETE FRIEND, tick on an ID,DELETE SELECTED FRIEND..

6th step..sila log in on FRIEND,focus on an ID,click x button on right..

7th step..FACEBOOK lagi..go to PHOTO, REMOVE all TAGGED PHOTO on the same ID

8th step..take your lovely HANDPHONE CONTACT, search a NAME, DELETE CONTACT..
9th step..take a deep breath and relax..

10th strong..when you want to 'ctrl'-'alt'-'del' some1 in your life..

tarikh: 050210..jam:1500

nota buat org berkenaan:
#im sorry when i cant be your friend..please give me a favor,dont contact me in the future..n im sorry im not strong enough to tell you the truth,the everything i should let you know..
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Thursday, February 4, 2010

..puisi hati untuk sahabat..

kalau hati bisa bicara,aku mahu ia bicara ini..

aku tidak kisah
malah malas mahu kisah
kalau engkau enggan ada
untuk berdiri disebelah aku
hari ini atau esok
aku sudah tak peduli
itu kan hak engkau
mahu ada atau tidak
yang pasti satu saja
aku akan sentiasa ada
untuk engkau bila-bila
untuk setiap luahan
untuk setiap masalah
untuk setiap berita baik
mahupun berita buruk
yang engkau miliki
jika engkau berkeputusan
untuk pergi,meninggalkan
aku mempersila
aku tiada hak menahan
aku hanya mampu mendoa
semua yang terbaik,yang terindah
dalam semua jalan yang kau pilih
kerana sememangnya
aku tak mengharap
jarang sekali untuk mengharap
engkau mendengar setiap kata
yang aku ingin luahkan
cukuplah jika
engkau ada untuk setiap,
semua kegembiraan yang aku lalui..
 nukilan sadelinevateriabadar
nota bersepah:
#saya keliru..xmampu berkata sesuatu kpd seseorg..

nota tipu:
#saya rindu lagi..
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

..puisi terakhir?..

when it's too hurt to be felt

it hurts me that you left
to chase you,im too tired
the whole year im waiting
what i get, is not what i want
for that, i'll let you go   
even the small thing inside
is the hardest thing to let go
i cry but i'll be okay
erasing your name in my diary
might be easy for me
but forgetting the feel i had on you
will be the one i wont do
because it's you
it's you that i adore..

nota bersepah:
+dengan ini sy mengumumkan..kisah ini terlerai tanpa ikatan..[ref:cinta terakhir by aiman]
nota tersepah:
+dgr byk lagu baru[br la sgt kan]..n all those song are so-so-so into me and the situation i have now..
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Monday, February 1, 2010

-my words for you-

-a lonely september-

I'm sittin' here all by myself
just tryin' to think of something to do
Tryin' to think of something, anything
just to keep me from thinking of you
But you know it's not working out
'cause you're all that's on my mind
One thought of you is all it takes
to leave the rest of the world behind
Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did

I'm sittin' here tryin' to convince myself
that you're not the one for me
But the more I think, the less I believe it
and the more I want you here with me
You know the holidays are coming up
I don't want to spend them alone
Memories of Christmas time with you
will just kill me if I'm on my own

I know it's not the smartest thing to do
we just can't seem to get it right
But what I wouldn't give to have one more chance tonight
One more chance tonight

I'm sittin' here tryin' to entertain myself with this old guitar
But with all my inspiration gone it's not getting me very far
I look around my room and everything I see reminds me of you
Oh please, baby won't you take my hand
we've got nothing left to prove

And I didn't mean to meet you then
we were just kids
And I didn't mean to give you chills
the way that I kiss
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you did
Don't say you didn't love me back 'cause you know you did
No, you didn't mean to love me back
But you did

nota bersepah:
hati ini sedang bersepah krn kamu..
the red 1??..that's me after i write you in my diary a year ago..
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