hai..halu..n pape greeting yg sewaktunya la...
peringatan di awl entry:post kali nie mix bm eng n a lil bit xbez..
so hrp2 xda la yg juling mata nk baca..>.<
so..in this lovely hening malam and shiny bright daylight..terigat pula kat dia..
wondering nie, am i losing my mind or am i going to be swallowed by the death of crush?..
byk kan persoalan yg timbul hari nie..
xtau la bila sume masalah hati yg datang tanpa diundang nie akan berakhir..
awak..ssh sgt ker nk paham ape yg hati sy nie bisik kt awk?..
im saying simple thing here but you?..
you turn your back on me..
tau x hati sy sedih..(ape la yg awk tau kn..=P)..sy rindu tau..bila igt kt awk..sy menangis, menangis smpai hati sy bole mendengar esakan itu dan merasa betapa sakitnya rasa rindu kt awk..
hati nie sering berbisik tanpa melihat terbitnya matahari atau terangnya bulan di langit..bisikkan nama awk yg sy rindu,
bila angin menyapa..sy berbisik lg..
angin..tlg smpaikn kata hati sy ngn die..betapa sy inginkn dia sehat n keje ngn elok2..
adakalanya hati nie ingin sgt kt awk..adakalanya hati nie nk lepaskn awk..sy tkot kalau hati nie dh mula syg,
tb2 awk pergi..sy xkuat..klau suatu hari nnt awk xde dlm kamus sy..
pelikkan hidup nie..bila xda, hati meronta nak..bila ada, hati bwat bodo jer..
tp pelik2 hidup,hati nie lg pelik..sbb sy xmampu nk ungkapkn kata hati sy dpn awk..
sy brlagak spt tiada apa2 yg berlaku..berbual ngn awk seolah2 sy xberminat ngn awk sedangkn hati nie meronta agar awk trus ngn sy..
ego kn sy..
almost everynite, sy akn bermonolog sendirian..bertanyer dlm diri, npe hati dan otak sy ssh nk lepaskn awk..npe tidur mlm sy sentiasa awk yg hiasi..
awk nie viruz ker??..cte sket awk nie spe senanyer..
dr 1st jmpe awk, lihat awk senyum..hati sy spt dikurung, dan tanpa sy sedari sy kunci sangkar tu..kunci sy bg kt awk,bia awk yg smpan..
tp skg nie..sy rsa xptt sy bwat mcm tu,kn?..sbb sy terseksa awk xspt yg sy hrpkn..
skg sy hanya mampu merenung sekeping wajah awk yg sy dh xtau mne sy ltk..alahai..knp la sy nie pelupa sgt..
agak2nya la kn, membantu ke x stm sy nie dlm melupakan awk??..
fakta:mlm nie sy tgh saket hati ngn seseorg..sy dh cuba bersbr..
nota bersepah: rindu dia lg...
sad la..
sabo eh..
u know...aku sgt suke sama die ni..
sgt..obses gile..
but then aku sdr, aku terbagi kunci kt die gak..
tp die taktau..
so ape aku nk buat ni ek??
aku terbagi kunci hati kt die, tp die taktau..how?
so i dcd, tuka hati..hahahahah
well..not tuka la..just hilangkan obses....
sbb sdh bl suke org yg tak suke kite..huhu
papepon iceq, i pray, u akan dpt ur dream guy..we wait n see ok??
who knew..tu keje Tuhan..
ps : doakan aku gak..=)
ermm..kdg2 cedey tu xleh nk tahan dh..mmg rse ati tu payah nk cover2 dh..huhu
bole ek tuka hati?..haha..
adkala kn,bosan gak senanyer ble ske sum1 yg xske kte nie..p ngn die, bosan tu skjp..pastu igt blek kt die..adehh..
so skg nie,klo mmg xleh nk tepis dr igt kt die,aku nngs jer la..then br ok..(bodo kn?..agaga)
ya..i'll pray 4 u as well..that u get ur dream 1..=)
sabar je lin,
one day mungkin dia sedar.
tuhan akan tunjuk jalannya..
sedap bahasa ktk~
btw..ego..perlu ubah. n_n" jgn sedey2~
aku paham
smg ko dpt dia..
kalau ada jodoh xkemana~ =)
p/s:sila rindu aku jugak~
jangan sedih2 ek
aku paham
aku pun rasa yang sama
Bahagia itu tidak terbit dengan mendapat apa yang kita hendak, tapi dengan menghendakkan apa yang kita ada. Itu bahagia.
kadang-kadang kita pon tak sedar yang kita ini tidak memahami dia jugak
dia pun fikir kita ego.
betul cakap Balqis,
apesal kita terbagi kunci hati kat dia??
nak tukar hati tuu...Bal, macamana tu??
Hahaha, hope ko kuat bersama tongkat rapuh itu.
minta-minta jangan di langgar
nnati patah
notakaki : chaiyok2 iceq..i like to move it move it. tp i move it pon. hahaha
notakaki : fatin tak boleh blal!! hahaha
ariz..thnx..how i wish that...
haris..im trying hard..p ego ya xtau la pahal ssh mk fade..huhu~
fatin..ntah la..aku penat senanyer..tp mind ngn hati aku asik ad dier jer..adehh~
n..i am missing you here..hehe
biela..tau x,u owez impress me with ur words..^_^
but thnx..moga2 tongkat rapuh tu tidaklah serapuh yg aku sangka...
i donno..but i know i do not want to be the pathetic lover..
its not that i taknak..tp more to i shudnt..
so many thngs to think, to feel, to cry about, to be happy about, but then i choose sumthng so unwise..
i donno iceq..i rili like that guy..but i guess it was not meant to be..
i cant continuing to hope for sumthng hopeless..
im kick-ass lady..i shudnt let myself drown in this feeling, that i dont even know what it is..
do u know what it is?? u sure its love? or just crush?? he is ur one true love?? or ur another 'passing interest'??
but thats me..ive been heartbroken b4..im not going to let myself go thru another gory process..
like i said in my previous post la, i wont say im in love..at lis not out loud..
coz i rili do not know what it is..
if its meant to be, then its meant to be...=)
my mom ckp, love doesnt give us the license to own sumone..love is a feeling, until sumone gv u the meaning of it..n that sumone, cannot be sumone u like..he must like u back..*tu my mom pnye nasehat*
so my nasehat to u, to me also, our heart is our own..the key is ours..if we accidently give it to sumone, who dont even know he have it, but the heart is still ours..we can change it..its hard!! im not going to say i wont..but at lis, we know what to do with our heart..instead giving to sumone, who doenst even knwo he owns it..
no matter how u love sumone, ur life shud never revolves around him..not unless he makes u as his life..
u're a kick-ass lady too iceq..dont let urself lost in this agonizing nitemare..ok??
u get my point tak?? pjg sgt lak aku taip..kesimpulannya, jgn bg hati sgt..sendri merana..tak slh suka..cume bkn cara memberi sesuatu yg org tak mahu..=)
bal..i got ur point..
how deep i fall 4 sum1..dont gve it a damn expectatn dat he'll be mine..kn??
smtimes..ble otak nie dh rational to think..mmg rse bodo gak..it's juz a crush..npe nk cedey..tp hati nie,xtau la npe degil sgt..n now im trying to change it as u said..
ur mom right..kte mmg xleh jd org tu hak kte unless he let us..klo bole aku xnk ckp psal die tp accidntly aku akn cte jgak psal die..(ntah pape aku nie kn..huhu)
n..i think i can find my lost key back..im sure..=)
*thnx 4 ur words..it really makes me to think of it..
iceq..slowly ok...
aku mnt kt mamat tu sjk bln 2..
bln 6 ni br aku nmpk n sdr betapa tak perlu nya aku nk angau begitu sekali...
takes time..u WILL find ur key back..n u WILL own ur heart..
we as human, tak terlepas la from sume bnde ni..normal..bnde ni seriusly normal..
yg buat tak normal, bl kite jd gila..sdh tak psl2..moods swing yg tak menentu..nanges tbe2..gile tbe2..
pdhal die kesah pon tidak kt kite..aite?
im not saying u HAVE to forget him 110%..i cant forget that gorjesss smart guy, till now pon..
but i try kurangkan..kalu tak aku yg sdh..cm aku ckp, sekaliii ckup la..haha
papepon, tak mustahil, mybe he will be urs..mybe not now..mybe future..God knows, apa yg terbaik..just, kita jgn hlg 'kita'..sbb kalu tkdr tu bkn milik kita, kita lagi merana..
chill babe..kalau bukan dia, mybe sumone better..kumbang bkn seekor..kalau kumbang tu gak ko nk, mengharap n menanti, mungkin ko akan terlepas seekor rama2..
paham kan ape aku ckp tu?
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