~greeting people~
after this..please..please..dont ask me to go shopping in bangi
seriously to say guys..being in ktm is such a disaster..padat macam sardin tau
and today, my way to kl..some people gadoh in the train..
goshh..scary kn..huhu..
then i went to times..naik monorel pula..b4 that took lrt..not so many people la..sedang2 jer
same with monorel..bahagia sikit la tym g tmes..
at times..perghh..apa semua org dpt jpa ker arini?..or it's a pay day??
got so many people shopping..
arrghhh..[tbe2 trauma nk g shopping..kah2]
then..want to take monorel to ktsn..
this time..it is indescribable...the monorel is penoh,full,padat..apa2 la..
mmg arini suma org mo kuar ka..ayooo~
sampai ktsn..br la lega..kui2~~
so after this..please dont ask me to go out to mid or mines during weekend k guys..hehe
weekdays..perhaps can, if i've no class..and rajin..hoho~
nota bersepah: arini dok cafe ktsn lepak ngn senior fskb yg b4 nie xnah lepak..dh kuar ktsn br ad gosip2 ngn dorg..apakah..haha
fakta: rindu woo ngn cafe ktsn..kt bangi xleh lepak kt cafe smpai kol 12..ktsn jer..huhu~ ♥GIVE IT A CLICK IF YOU LIKE IT AND SHARE IT♥ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
kan ipta baru bukak n budak2 baru dah daftar.. so.. ape lagi.. berjalan2 la dorg mengenal kl.. lg2 yg xpernah jejak kl lg... huuu...
owhh..camtu ker..no wonder la..huk2~
penin pale tgk ramai org..huhu..
Oh patut la sesak gila.Tapi memang weekends sentiasa sesak kot KTM tu?Weekdays pun sama.Tapi better than weekends la.Huhu aku pun cam serik da nak naik KTM.Aku kuar tadi agak lengang la stesen UKM.Huhu tp aku stop kat Kajang :P
Kafe kolej ko x bagi lepak sampai kol 12 ke?Kitorang nyer buka sampai kol 3.Huhu
aku xpnh dgr lagik org trauma g supink..wakaka..
iceq, asal aku tak jmpe ko kat times arr...
aku g gak kat times, kol 7mlm... huhu, ko da balik kot...
biase arr iceq, gaji tgh masyuk awl2 bulan...
weekend klu tak rmai org biase, ujung2 bulan jee..
ala~~ ciannye lin~~ nseb bek x hilang lg~~
natto..aritu kuar jumaat ok lg la..ad space nk msk..sabtu tu..perghh..xyah ckp..mmg cam sardin..huhu~
burhan aku xtau la smpai kol bpe..dinner c2 pn skali jer..kui2
ktorg salu mkn kt uo..merempat kolej prg..kah2~~
syaira..bkn la trauma shopping..trauma nek ktm senanyer..hek2~~
dee..aku blek awl arr..kol 7 kot..kang blek mlm,xjmpe taxi..tdo la tepi jln..hoho~
cambesje..tau xpe..nsb bek ad lg nie..huhu..
ok la tu..
terubat gak rindu kt kolej neh eh..
ktowg yg kt cni.. xrse pape pon..
agknye kalo da xduk cni bru datang rindu tu kot..
btw, cute blog
oit!..nme aku xde r arr..
ad org nk kne bazooka nie..hoho
igtkn spe la org ke8 komen nie..ko upenyer..kui2~
trubat la jgak..plg2 la lepak kt cafe smpai tgh mlm
kt cni xkn leh bwat camtu..huuhu
thnx..blog cute cam tuan dier..=D
ande mmg line yg sgt2 tinggi concentration kepoyoan nye..
haha..i'll take that as a compliment..trime kaseh..kah2~~
owh ye?
aku seakan2 da sgt familiar ngan ayat tu..
btw, ktowg neh lg cian..
ptptpu x msok2 lg taw~
hoho..yeker?..mne ko dgr?
rsenyer aku xnah ckp ngn ko ayat tu..ker aku tlah mncuri ayat org lain..agaga~~
alololo..lmbt plak ek ptptu korunk sem nie..dlu cam awl lg dr jpa kn?.
xpe2..die nk suh korunk blaja mkn nasi ngn ikan masin la tu kot..kah2~
enjoy ur life..
kt facebook byk kali kot ko gne ayat tu,..
trademark la konon2nye..
x taw la asal plak lmbt..
kad atm ak plak rosak..
mcm2 mslh..
iye..ari2 mmh mkn ngn ikan masin..
tmbh ayam ngn udang la..hehe
oh yeker?..
dh ilang ingtan aku upenyer..kah2~
ish2..cian ko..
xyah ad bank la ko..duit pt tu kasi kt bank aku je la..agaga~
acecehh.sedapnyer ko mkn..aku cni mkn roti canai jer..=(
(cite tipoo..keh2)
laa, patut laa tak jmpe ko..
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