cincang2 daging
I fly solo for too many years, to get the strongest wings and survive in the cruel world.
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hihi..what a blessed day isnt it?..
today..as a celeb of the friendship day,the 3 of us-me,lina and shaza(syira went back home..huhu) went ko kajang town
main mission: satay kajang! and shopping for friendship day present..weee~~~
our first plan actually want to buy t-shirt for the present..but since me and shaza have contra size..hehe..so we cancel it out..
we buy our own shirt after that..ekeke~
finish shopping,we go for satay kajang!..wee...satay..satay..satay..
wow..the satay is so big wooo...i can only sumbat 4 cucuk..other 6-tapau jer...kui2~~
wanna give it to room mate as well..[must have one for roommate..ngee]
we go back to college almost 10pm..luckily,the commuter is not in deadly sesak..pheww~~
i korek2 my beg,my pant..there's empty..i must lost it in the town...*sob2*
i should put it in my pocket earlier..im so careless..=(
so tomorrow(lepas nie la sebetolnyer..ngee)i leave to kajang again..buy a new one to replace it
and at the same time..buy the new mirror that i break up just now..
a mirror that i just buy this evening..and it is specially bought for my dearest buddy
[birthday buddy 1 ogos..arini lorr..weee]
waaaaa...malang la ini malam..adoyaii~
fakta:happy friendship day to all..and may that the friendship is last forever...=D
fakta xleh dibidas:kepada yang berkenaan..sayang korunk..this friendship is the one that i want till death..
fakta lagi:happy birthday to dearest buddy..forensic 3rd year..kak rini rozainie[xtau la btol a eja nie..huhu]..wish you lotssss of luck and happy life..^_^
nota bersepah:today is a happy day...