greeting to all bloggers...*wink*'s post is about our(the forensics's heroins) lovely journey of berpoya-poya after titas exam..taken place at klcc in the evening, we started the journey with watching a movie:the uninvited..this section was exclude me, shida,aya and zu..the 4 of us went to surround the klcc looking for nothing until we entered this 1 shop(cant remember its name). it sells toys,lots and varies kind of aya bought this toys like Lego..and me..eagering to buy the mastermind game..but dont bring enough cash..=(..before the others went for movie,1stly we went to satisfy our, we chose's been a while that we dont gather like this-eating together..hhuhu..
the movie they're watching started on 1945 and ended around 2145..when they were done,us that didnt watching were at cd meeting again,we went down stair later on..on the ground floor(i think it's the ground floor), i saw this 1 shop-it sell COMICS..hehe~so i stopped by and looked for the comics that i didnt buy 2 comics here then i went out looking for the others..starting from here,i LOST..cant found any of them..with a lots of confident, i walked straight until i reach stairs..2 stairs going up and another 1 going down(it's an escalator actually) and then i dont have any idea of where was every1 actually..only then i called izni,asking where were they..
me: weis,korunk ktne?
izni: ehh,ktorg kt dlm lg la.ko ktne?
me:aku kt xtau~sesat dh..
izni:ape kedai yg ad kt c2?
me:kedai?..mne ad kedai nie..aku dh kt luar..
that were a lil' bit conversation between me and izni..cant remember all..finally i found them-laughing at me because getting lost..huhu..then, finish with buying stuff, we went out and snapped some photos with klcc background(sorry dont want to attach it here-malas)..i think we reached ktsn around 10..
so, after having lots of free time after titas, we start our study group for genetic today..but what im going to talk of is not about this study group but what happen to my eyes recently..guys,i think my eyes are getting worse now..i cant even recognize people within 5 meters,their faces are blur..i am wearing glasses but only in lecture hall..and especially in chemistry lectures..i dont wish to wear it all the's too in a-lil-bit-cedey..huhu~
it's the toy that aya's fun to play with..^__^
note: so guys..later, be sure to tell your friends where you're going or else you're be lost and then will start to cry like a baby..agaga~
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lin yg sesat~~ hihihi~~..
dah la kecik~~
saya teringat dlu2 adik saya[masa umo 5-6 thun] suka hilang tp tme dia g kat receptionist.. then
anounce...lin ptt wat cam tu la~~
lg 1 kalau nk jga mata.. tgk la benda hijau selalu... pokok2... bru mata tu ok.. dan lg1 jgn selalu sgt ngn laptop tu...
hehe..rsenyer nk carik reception tu jd makin sesat kot..agaga~~
malangnyer kehijaun bumi suda tiada serinyer...berbanding seri laptop..*wink*
budak tecik sesat kat klcc....
seb bek jmpe lak jln.. klu tak bermalam kat klcc laa... hehe...
adoi, mcm mne laa leh sesat ni iceq???
tu laa ko, jln tak pndng skeliling...
pndang bawah jee, mne tak sesat.. huhu....
aiyo..camne la lin leh sesat..huu..nway, its tym kene pki spek mata la...
lin sesak kat klcc.
lucu la...
asal tak gi kaunter then buat announcement.
baru gempak sikit nama member lin.
"perhatian kepada kawan kepada sadelinee, sila datang ke kaunter sekarang juga kerana sadeline yang kecik molek ni sedang menunggu anda di sini. harap maklum, terimma kasih."
ok tak lin?
lin, better pakai spek sekarang, kalu tak jadi macam mata i sekarang ni, dah rabun giler. apa kata kalau lin guna contack lens, ok gak. tapi susah arr ckit nak jaga.
ade org 2 sesat..
org kecik2 ni mmg susah nk carik..
lg 1..kuar x ajak!!
eiii jahat la korunk..bkn nk simpati pon..:(.. pndang kiri knan la..mnme de pndang bawah jer...=P
abg syuk..lin kne tgal,huhu~~
(senanyer slh sndiri p nk kata org plak..agaga~)
ariz..ko nyer idea nie lbey kurang jer ngn idea kosmate aku ulang blek..mkin sesat la aku klo nk carik kaunter tu..huhuhuu
masz...a'a kecik kn comey,=P..
ape lak org x ajak..die yg kte xleh kuar..huh~
ape kaitan lin sesat ngan mainan block tu??
nk tunjuk menan yg aya bli jer..hehe~~
ko pndg lain tuu...
mmg laa sesat...
iceq, aku ade satu petua tak nak bagi ko sesat...
mne der...=P...petua pe?
ko prnh dgr citer time kcik2 dlu tak...
citer tjuk ape ntah, aku pon tak ingat...
ko bawak batu 1 beg, patuh stiap selangkah ko jatuhkn sketul batu....
ermmm..nice idea..pastu pak gad pon heret aku kuar klcc tu..=P
alar, ckp laa ko takut sesat...
die tak marah nyee... jer..=P
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